"The first goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things; men who are creators, inventors, discoverers."
Jean Piaget
The extracurricular activity is a way for students to continue a skill that provides them with well-being and satisfaction.
Extracurricular courses are activities that take place after 4 pm. In these courses, students can try out new skills as well as improve on one they already have. We offer a variety of courses distributed in the fields of arts, sports and science.
In the sports area, we have a futsal and gymnastics school, in addition to volleyball, basketball and judo classes. In the arts, we offer drawing, singing, ballet and jazz.
Robotics is another extra activity offered in order to introduce the concept of robotics, stimulate creativity and problem-solving skills, elaborate robotic constructions, in order to carry out an experiment and promote the study of multidisciplinary concepts such as science, physics, geography and mathematics.
Extra Courses and Training - 2021
Teachers and places
Futsal: Profº Júnior | Location: court.
Gymnastics: Profº Roberto | Location: gym space.
Volleyball: Profº Denis | Location: sand court.
Judo: Prof. Emerson | Location: cafeteria.
Basketball: Profº Glauber | Location: court.
Ballet: Prof. Sayonara | Location: dance hall.
Drawing: Profº José Jalves | Location: 7th grade classroom.
Robotics: Robot Educ | Local: 8th grade room.